Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bumblebee and Cherry Bomb


I go by many names in this country.  "Abanyo!" "Zhano!" "Yiddle Boy!"  Usually the neighborhood boys call me Abanyo and older women call me Yiddle Boy.  Dad's students call me Zhano, sometimes.  Apparently, my name is hard to pronounce for the Vietnamese.  But everyone who doesn't call me those names calls me Denyo, which is mostly correct.

A week ago I went with Dad to the university for the second time.  I was in a desk at the corner and near the end of class, someone behind me said, "Yiddle boy, do you want some candy?"  I said, "Sure" and then when I was eating that piece of candy a girl from the other side of the classroom ran over with her fist full of candy and dumped it on the desk in front of me.  I felt pretty successful.  That experience plus Dad's plans for a Halloween party with the students gave me a great idea.  I will set up a Selfie business where when the girls want to take a selfie with me, first they have to put in an appropriate amount of candy in my bowl.  The amount of selfies they can take depends on how much candy they put in.  Now isn't that just genius?

You already know that Dad got a motorbike about a month ago.  It's expensive when our whole family takes a taxi somewhere, so Mom and Dad decided that Mom should learn how to drive a motorbike.  First she practiced on Dad's motorbike, but then we bought a used motorbike from some British travelers.  They had named this new motorbike "Bumblebee" because of its color. We liked the idea of naming the bikes, so we named our first motorbike "Cherry Bomb" which fits perfectly because for one, it's red, and two, it sometimes makes a loud backfire that turns lots of heads.  I made up a cheer for Bumblebee;  "BUMBLEBEE....AND BEYOND!"  Today it was Mom's first time driving me and Michael somewhere.  We went to the beach at noon because it's an easy route and there's no traffic at that time.

Michael and I started ping pong lessons a week ago.  The first day was really frustrating, mostly for Michael, but the second day it was easier and Michael developed some major skills.  Today I had to miss ping pong practice because 5 days ago I got a pretty painful concussion.  In fact, I'm having Mom type this because my brain can't focus on the screen very well.  It happened when Anna and I were wrestling.  She accidentally swung my head into the metal pole of the bunkbed.  That may not sound very painful, but I nearly blacked out.  It hurts a lot when it's going through its pain phase, but that's happening less often now.  Besides being painful, having a concussion is boring.  I can't run around, but I'm also not allowed to watch movies or play on the computer.  At the beach I could play in the sand, so that was nice.

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