Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lion/Dragon Dance on the Street


A few days ago our friends across the street had a party and invited us. A Vietnamese party. There's a difference. It wasn't bad, but for me it was just really loud drumming. Maybe I should explain what it was like. The family hired a group of dragon dancers to set up their performance on the street. Then they practiced for ten minutes. Finally the dance started.

It was pretty cool but it got long after a while.The constant clashing of symbols and the loud drum made it hard to like it. The dance was people inside lion costumes fighting. I did not understand the way they decided to do it. They kept on repeating the same tricks and there were two people with masks on just standing in the dance for no apparent reason. Lots of things I didn't understand.

Here are some more pictures
But my negativity vanished once they passed out the treats. Yes! Um, Never mind, the treats tasted terrible. At the end the neighborhood boys did their own dance and went from house to house getting candy for their dance. That was pretty cool. I may have expressed negative feelings about the party but over all it was a good night.

snack time!
dragon goes inside the house to give it good luck

lion dancing 

And an embedded video (if you're viewing in email, click to the blog itself)

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