Sunday, January 25, 2015

“Fully Known … Fully Loved”

That’s the Chase family: “Fully Known … Fully Loved.” If you don’t dare to be fully known, you don’t experience being fully loved. Thank you for loving us this year, friends and family!

Tim’s 2014 Keywords: Impact Virtual Learning (for homeschoolers--the business is blasting off), pastoring Shepherd’s Gate Fellowship (very satisfying), Baker Web Academy, presenting at conferences, and virtual teaching.

Janet’s Keywords: Hit by a semi-truck (but already xc-skiing again), sewing rope Easter baskets (Etsy sales), berry picking and preserving, planning for Vietnam,, turning forty.

Anna’s Keywords: Actress with CTC (going to Poland with them in March 2015), hit by a semi-truck (but uninjured), 8th grade online homeschooler, Dr. Who, singing along with many Musicals.

Michael’s Keywords: Trips to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and to Seattle for a conference with Dad, Baking, new to 6th grade Homeschooling, Civilization III.

Daniel’s Keywords: spring-fall-&-indoor Soccer, 5th grade (we’re the biggest kids on campus), wrestle-cousin (I’m gentle and fun with the half-pints), stop-motion LEGO movies.

Vietnam Plans

When we came home from China in 2000, we knew that wasn’t the end of the Chases-oveseas story. Babies and toddlers and elementary years later, we have 3 middle schoolers, and we’re ready. Where to, then? Middle east or Asia? Not back to China, because we don’t want the two parents to be the know-it-alls; we want this to be a family-learning-together sort of experience. Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia … Vietnam. Finally we found that Vietnam felt peaceful as a destination for our year abroad.

Our mode in China was one of developing rich relationships with people and gently allowing conversations to go into deep topics. Then we came home to Bend, Oregon, and couldn’t think of a good reason to change that. So for 14 years we’ve lived here, living intentionally, developing rich relationships with people, and engaging deep conversations. Now we’re going to go to Vietnam for a year. We’ll be doing there what our life is here.

The Plan: We’ll fly out from Seattle this summer in early August. Land in Ho Chi Min City (Saigon). Recover from jet lag, then up to Danang, which is smack-in-the middle of the 1000-mile Vietnamese coast. We’ll teach, invest in people, and experience overseas living as a family. For the Tet holiday, at the lunar new year of 2016, we hope to travel into Laos and connect with friends in northern Thailand. Then back to Danang to finish out the school year before coming home in June.